Yes and no – the contract agreement must be clear and include dispute resolution avenues and time performance frame works. Money disbursements and hold backs…

The real answer is how much money do you want to spend on an on-going basis? We now have fluid charged systems that are nearly…

The early versions of “computer automation” were clumsy operationally with difficult programming. Now, it is stunning what we can accomplish through our I- pads. A…

The initial concerns with cultured (phony) stone fading in UV light and popping off of buildings during freeze/thaw cycles seem to have passed, and truly…

Quality fixtures from leading manufactures are always a good bet. This is especially true with recent State and Federal rules for reduced water consumption. If…

My biggest concern has always been in having a service panel that can accommodate future growth and change. Some of the electric fault devices are…

The qualities in fenestration cover an extreme range. You may purchase simple vinyl frames with dual panes at a department store. At builder’s specialty centers,…

If you never want to replace the roof, then you probably want tile or slate materials with copper gutters and flashing. This is a lot…