Q & A – Construction Details – Electric Wiring
Welcome to the world of powering a custom home.
Custom homes require extensive electrical components today as more and more customers require electrical connections and controls for their multimedia and computerized technology, covering everything from multimedia rooms to property-wide Internet access to computerized utility components such as heating and cooling systems. We want the ability today to turn off the oven from hundreds of miles away with our mobile phones – at least that is the dream. A dream that requires extensive electrical systems throughout the home.
These parallel runs are an example of unnecessary craftsmanship, which to me is mandatory in one of my custom homes. Neatness counts when it comes to managing all the power streams for the modern home.
I’m a person who takes such pride in my work, I demand my electrical team runs the feeds off of an electric panel parallel. This is my kind of electrician, one who truly cares about their craft and the happiness of the customer to do it better than right the first time out. It also the trend for the other trades when they see this kind of attention to detail.
This will soon be covered with sheet rock, invisible to the home owner. Whether or not they see it, I will know that they have the best electrical system possible to power their beautiful custom home for a lifetime. For me, those details are what count.