Q & A – Construction Details – Finish Work
Here is where the joy in construction is hidden from the customer, the joy of being a professional custom home builder. When you deal with the true artisans, you briefly discuss your idea for what you want created, then you “get out of the way” and let their artistry truly shine.
I believe in letting the artists create. Sure, over sight is important, especially when it comes to keeping within the budget, but I listen carefully to the input of the people who have acquired a wealth of options over years of experience. They’ve literally been-there-done-that-got-the-t-shirt and the custom home building awards for their innovative expertise. The coordination of their teamwork to create one comprehensive unified package is the ultimate achievement for a custom home builder.
Next time you hire me or another custom home builder, remember that we thrive on working with the best in our craft. Just watch us work with determination on our faces and happiness in our eyes as we create your unique custom home.