Q & A : What Do I Look For in a Custom Home Builder?
This is almost ‘the’ toughest question of all. All you need to determine is – Is he/she honest? A number of reference points will paint this picture:
Check with the Oregon State Contractors’ Construction Board or by phone at 503-378-4621. Find out how long your builder has been in business? Have they bankrupted any previous companies? Have they resolved any complaints? Pay particular attention to the procedures established by the board, that legitimate builders are required to follow. There should be no variation.
How well trained are the principals? Master Builder certification by the State of Oregon? What continuing education have they had? Get verifiable letters of recommendation from past clients. Are you going to deal directly with the principal of the company, or will that be a delegated job superintendent?
Finally look this person directly in the eyes, and see if you see an engaging person, who desires to please you personally.