1990 Street of Dreams Profile
Rick Bernard of Bernard Custom Homes was profiled in the 1990 All Gas Street of Dreams event in Portland, Oregon, by John Kirkland. The following are excerpts.
Only one builder has built a Street of Dreams home for ten years. Rick Bernard’s achievement is especially significant in a profession that is highly sensitive to regional economic conditions.
Bernard contents, however, that the toughest aspect of his business is the unique demands of each new owner of a pre-sold home. While it can be a difficult way to do business, Bernard finds building custom homes to individual tastes very rewarding. It is why he has built pre-sold homes exclusively since 1985.
“It’s a wonderful learning experience. Each new customer offers a new way of looking at a home, and I gain knowledge that I can use in future homes,” he says.
…His approach is the same as it was 14 years ago. He builds two to three homes at a time and no more than 10-12 a year. He stays in touch with new home owners every day during the building process. He believes he can build homes for less money than his competitors by being careful and taking his time to do things right.
“It allows me to sleep well at night knowing that the job is being done right and that I’m in control,” Bernard says.
Jim Goodrich, Executive Vice President of the Home Builders Association of Metropolitan Portland, is especially appreciative of Rick Bernard’s contributions to the Street of Dreams and the home building industry. Goodrich says, “Rick is a highly respected and professional builder who builds beautiful homes of the finest quality. He is an active participant and real team player in the annual organization of the Street of Dreams. He is a man you can always count upon, and the Street of Dreams is very fortunate to have Rick Bernard as a builder for ten years.”